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Lose the War

Half a century after the president of the United States declared the “war...


The bitter Winter

Climate change, our getting older or whatever reason, every year the cold season bites us more. This winter has been particularly painful and lethal. So many...

Is Mexico, a Failed State, again?

Cesar Romero Few ideas are more naive than assuming that a country cannot go bankrupt. Having control over the money-printing machine is no guarantee against...

Trump, again

The genius of manipulation and opportunism is back. Accustomed to scandal, even ridicule, he faces the biggest challenge of his life: removing the label of...

Time of Tyrants

The underlying hypothesis of this column is that, as the Chinese curse says, we had to live in a historical moment of convulsions and transformations. A kind...

United States: The Third Enemy

For those of us who grew up shouting and jumping that “He who doesn’t jump is a yankee-He-who-doesn’t-jump-is-a-yankee!” it could be...

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