Home » AMERICANOS, Year 6 is coming

AMERICANOS, Year 6 is coming

In our next editions you will find some changes, new voices, new images and a multimedia language that strengthens the strength and quality of the narrative with which we build community in order to fulfill our compromise with you.

Change is good. At least, necessary. In a short time También Somos Americanoswill celebrate our sixth anniversary. The central agenda remains the same: immigrant integration. “Helping newcomers become Americans, on story at a time”. The new thing is the world. Above all, the dynamics of communication and the technologies around it. Therefore, Americanosbegins a process of adjustment in order to serve better to our audience.

In 2013 we were born with the reference of printed media, because in that business we had many decades of experience. We were born with a commitment to the issues that most interest our communities. Money, education, health and topics of human and family interest. Proud of our Latin roots, mostly Mexicans, we understood that identity and integration are not opposing issues, but that they enrich each other. As rights and responsibilities.

We arrived when the immigration reform seemed imminent, which the country so badly needed – before and now – and we got carried away by the weight of the news and concentrated our coverage on what happened – or rather, did not happen – inside The Beltway. And then came Trump and the tsunami of racism, frustration and all the lies that come out of his twitter account.

As expected, two years later we are still here. With many challenges, like everyone in our communities, but also with the clear conviction that life goes on. For this project it is about concentrating more on the stories that our community demands. In improving our technical capabilities and in recognizing that modern communication is necessarily digital. This means global, instantaneous and interactive.

Thus, in our next editions you will find some changes, new voices, new images and a multimedia language that strengthens the strength and quality of the narrative with which we build community in order to fulfill our compromise with you.

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