Tambien Somos AMERICANOS is a publication clearly committed in supporting the process of helping newcomers to integrate to the culture and values of their new country, the country they decided to live in.
Editorially, rather than focus on the immigration issue Tambien Somos AMERICANOS cares about immigrants, its economic dynamism, its role is interested as consumers, as parents, as active members in their communities.
Tambien Somos AMERICANOS is published in Spanish, with the clear objective of facilitating the connection with their mother language, in respect to the powerful roots of Latin American culture, as well as the permanent commitment to encourage better handling of the English language and the U.S.A. and global culture which this country represents so well.
The magazine will always seek the best way to tell a story. For very complex or profound, if it cannot be narrated in a friendly way, close to the reader heart, for us it is not worthwhile. The focus of his reports, articles and notes will always search for the reader’s personal interest, above any political or ideological considerations. Its content and editorial position will put the readers agenda above the catastrophic readings or tabloid perspectives.
César Romero

Journalist since 1984 has over 3 decades of experience in the communications business. From the major newspapers in Mexico to the largest Latino media company in the U.S. Also, has served as diplomatic at Chicago and New York.
Periodista de toda la vida, ha sido diplomático en Chicago y Nueva York. Profesor universitario, autor y ahora editor de la primera plataforma multimedios especializado en la integración de los inmigrantes Latinos.
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También Somos AMERICANOS
Plataforma multimedios, a tu servicio
Nuestro compromiso es muy claro: traerte siempre la información más útil para apoyar tu proceso de integración a tu nueva realidad. Luego de cuatro años de llegar siempre con puntualidad directamente a ti, éste es el momento en que te pedimos ayuda.
Para sufragar los costos de esta plataforma múltiple de medios necesitamos el apoyo de nuestra propia gente.
Como dicen allá en nuestra tierra original, “con lo que guste cooperar, ¡muchas gracias!”.