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The new PRI

As the classic said, “he knows how to do it”: Unlike Cuauhtémoc...


When did the American Dream collapsed?

Obviously, a question of this type requires a direct answer: The American Dream collapsed 30 years ago. Right on April 19, 1993, shortly after noon, as that is...

The emperor, naked

Hardly a better time for the 186 years old story by Hans Christian Andersen than in the most recent performance of Elon Musk. The Emperor’s New Clothes...

Death and Power

Death and Power Awkward topic, but finally forced. After all, it is the only true certainty of our lives: some sooner than others, but in the end we all share...

Another one of cowboys

Even if it is the same movie – the eternal battle of the good guys against the bad guys – we watch it anyway. Mounted on his white horse and wearing a hat of...

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