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Donald Trump as an opportunity

Donald Trump may be a disease, a nasty contagious illness transmitted by the Media’s addition to good ratings. Among the symptoms you can include deep hate for Mexicans, Muslims, Women and plenty of others; also, paranoia, mass hysteria and a dangerous disrespect for the most basic trues and most human values.

Beside his ugly look, ridiculous hair, extreme narcissism and dirty rhetoric, Mr. Trump is a successful Real Estate businessman and an even better entertainer. In a nation where politics have evolved into some kind of show business he is the biggest clown. Amazing communicator, he has seduced the crazies among the “less educated people” he loves so much (his words) and from that, he could build a noisy base of support that easily defeated all the other G.O.P. figures that wanted to replace Barak Obama in the White House. Therefore he will be the republican candidate to the Presidency of the U.S. and, of course, has a real opportunity to defeat Hillary Clinton in the polls this November. Or not.

One year after he called Mexicans rapists and criminals and proposed to Make America great again by building a 2,000 mile long tall wall on the border with Mexico, this spring ended with Trump finally taking a hit in the popularity polls when his strategy to respond to the Orlando massacre was to make the whole issue about himself. Rejected by 7 of every 10 women, 8 of every 10 Latinos and 9 of every 10 African Americans, he is the poster child for the neo-Nazis, the NRA’s fans and the K.K.K’s residues. As well as the angry white men.

In a world where a big tsunami of anger and frustration rides in the Middle East as well as in the remains of the British Empire, Donald finally looked to hit a popularity ceiling when his 20 million followed twitter account tried to blame the President for the murder of 49 innocents in the gay bar in Florida. He failed flat because Obama will end his mandate as a very popular President that knows how to fight and defeat republicans.

Here is where the Trump factor can transform itself into an opportunity for the Latino community and others with a progressive agenda that promotes real American values, hard work, inclusiveness and tolerance.

For 30 years now, the Mexicans and Mexican Americans did not get anything regarding mobile labor, a pillar of the global economy of the 21st century. Despite being the center of the new demographics of the nation –the most dynamic segment in the labor force, the largest group in the schools, a $1.5 trillion economic force, and a potential vote force of over 23 million people, a significant part of this community has not been allowed to fully integrate to America’s mainstream.

Since Ronald Reagan and his pro-family vision that inspired the last immigration reform, Latinos have become the face of the new Americans. In historical terms they represent the fourth largest immigration wave that created this nation of immigrants. But there are around 6 million of them that despite their clear compromise of decades in favor of the country’s security and prosperity, have been left behind because of his immigration status.

Professional haters and the ones that profit criminalizing and exploiting the Mexican immigrants have systematically boycotted the Mexican integration agenda with the only exceptions of DACA.

Here is where the Trump phenomenon has forced the need for a wide network of people that, together, will constitute a clear majority of Americans that rejects the crazy vision of the “You-are-fired!” character. From the largest global economic forces, most churches, the Mexican 50 consulates, most community bases organizations and many other progressive organizations, this should be the moment –as was California’s response to the Proposition 187 two decades ago–, when the real great America wakes up, organizes itself, mobilize and vote in order to defeat Trump´s hate and stupidity.

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