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The new PRI

As the classic said, “he knows how to do it”: Unlike Cuauhtémoc...


Crowds and Power + Facebook

Mass and Power + Facebook A long time ago, in a country with a “hegemonic party”, some university students dared to read Masa y Poder by Elías Canetti, a book...

The Social Media lies

From illusion to disappointment. They were born at the beginning of the century as digital tools for freedom and social change and today they are revealed as...

At the edge of the abyss

Ukraine so far: business as usual, but on the brink of chaos. After the first month, the war in Ukraine remains, albeit in a twisted way, a small part of the...

War’s reasons

Morally infamous, reprehensible from a humanistic point of view, war is –above all– a business. “There is as much business in destruction as there...

Mexico-USA: self-fulfilling prophecies

Looking into the future from the rearview mirror might not seem like the best idea, and yet it is what both countries decided to do it. The United States, once...

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